Black & White Desires By Alexandra Webb
Blog Tour November 17th - 21st
Hosted By: Ashley's Addictive Book Promotions
Erika’s world is turned upside down when she agrees to a photography job for Landon, a sexy archaeologist with a passion for control. When he hires her for a shoot of a different nature, a BDSM demonstration on submission, Landon takes her into a lifestyle that has only been a curiosity for her. She must learn to let go of her control to follow her desire to submit. Can Erika come to terms with what she needs from Landon and learn to give up the control she clings to?
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When I first set out to write Black and White it was a joke,
a simple let’s see if I can do this, and then it turned into my SPE project.
Something happened that I didn't expect: I feel in love with the characters. I
never really expected it to go far, but then because of contract reasons I had
to send it to my publisher before I could do anything else with it. They
accepted it, but because of issues with their time management and how they
treat their staff and authors, I requested my rights back. They were granted
back to me and I quickly went to get it out to the public. Luckily for me, I had a great group of people
behind me to help me make it happen.
Now, before you tell me that I want to be the next E.L.
James. I never dreamt I’d be writing erotic romance, never mind BDSM erotic
romance. It’s just something that happened. My husband and I have been in the
life style for close to five or six years now. It’s something that is near and
dear to my heart. That being said, just a couple notes about Black and White:
It’s fiction, a BDSM relationship does not develop over a few nights or a few
weeks, that’s what makes this fiction and fantasy; I've strived to stay true to
the life style that I love so much, but I write fiction not self-help books.
Please if you’re interested in the BDSM lifestyle, do your research, talk to
someone who lives it, and no matter what stay safe. If you’re not interested in
the lifestyle, please do not be so quick to judge.
Thank you.
Alexandra Webb
lives in her office, where the coffee never runs out, the music plays and the
chocolate magically appears. She adores reading, crafting and sleep. She often
gets lost in her own world of writing. Spinning tales since she could speak,
she knew she wanted to be an author in high school and she chased the dream
everyone told her was ridiculous. Her preferred genre is paranormal romance
with a flare for things a little less vanilla. Alexandra takes gifts of
caffeine, candy and other sweets.
The leather covered stand was a
rectangle on four feet and hit me a little below my waist. I nodded and bent
over it, the edge hit right at my waist as I bet over my breasts hung off the
other side. Exposed and vulnerable, my panic started to bubble in me. I started
to get up, and he put a hand on my back. "Relax, remember your safe
I took a deep breath and closed
my eyes. "Green." I wouldn't let nervousness of something new take
this experience from me. None of my ex’s could figure out what I needed in bed.
At least Landon was willing to try something different.
He kicked my feet apart,
forcing me into a less comfortable stance and exposing my wet core. I shivered,
as the cold air seemed to touch me places it shouldn't have been able too.
"Stay there. Don't move." He purred, and his footsteps grew soft as
he moved away from me. A clicking sound grew in the room and I tried to turn my
head to see what he was getting out of the chest.
"Uh uh, I said not to
I took a deep breath as my body
clenched and the wetness dripped down my leg. The anticipation curled in me as
my mind entertained ideas of what he could be plotting. When he returned
something soft wrapped around my wrists and then my ankles. The four faint
clicking sounds told me I was being restrained to the legs of the horse.
His hands brushed over my back.
“How we doing, pet?"
"I'm good, I mean
He chuckled and disappeared for
another moment. I couldn’t help but pull on the restraints, testing them to see
if they really held me in place. They bit into my skin the harder I pulled and
the pressure of trying to rise up off the horse only pushed the wood into my
There was a faint swooshing in
the air and I mentally cursed as excitement filled me. I tried to reason with
my brain, but I lost the battle. Something smacked my bottom and caused me to
cry out. Whatever he had hit me with left a faint stinging on my ass, but I
craved more. The craving made no sense, but as the pain faded, I found myself
wiggling my ass for more.
"Very good." He
praised and repeated the motion. This time my cry wasn't as loud, the third
time I made more of a mewling noise as pain gave way to pleasure. He put the
item down and his soft hand made loving circles on my ass over the stinging
marks. I took shaking breaths as he soothed my sores. "You handled that
well, but I think my little pet started to enjoy that." His hand slid
between my legs, testing the wetness there. "Yes, yes you did." He
slipped two fingers inside me, pressing against my sweet spot.
A thrill went through my body
and a moan escaped from my mouth. His fingers stroked that delicious spot and
pleasure started to build deep in the pit of my stomach. I let out a small
noise of protest when he pulled his fingers out, leaving my core aching for
"You're very responsive, I
like that, it makes things more fun." He lifted my hair and kissed the
back of my neck. I tried to fight the shiver crawling down my back when his
lips brushed against my skin, but it won out when the sound of his zipper
echoed through the quiet room.
Never had sex come up so
quickly in a relationship before, but I craved what he was willing to give me.
I couldn't explain it, but I wanted to sleep with, I wanted him to
fuck me. I needed for him to use my body for his pleasure. My body and mind
were too overwhelmed by the sensations to make any sense out of it. As if
reading my thoughts he slammed into me, and I groaned as my muscles contracted
around his large size, the head of his length rubbing against my sweet spot of
surrender. His fingers found my clitoris and started to stroke in the same
rhythm he pounded into me with.
Then it started to happen, my
mind became fuzzy as I reached a point where I didn't care if I could move, or
about the pain of the horse biting into my hips. All I cared about was the
pleasure flowing through me at every touch he gave me. The thrusts changed
between pleasure and a touch too rough, pressing me harder against the device,
with my braid still wrapped around his wrist pain threaded through my body, but
it only added to the pleasure. My toes started to curl as my muscles tensed.
The pleasure built in my stomach, curling into a ball, waiting to explode. He
flicked my delicate bud and tension in me became painful until a delicious
tingling exploded through my body, each of my muscles relaxing as my core
clenched and tightened around his cock.
With a final thrust his seed shot into my quivering body.
My vision seemed to fade as I
continued to buck against the horse, riding out the pleasure. The smell of sex
tainted the air and clung to my lungs as I tried to relearn how to breathe. My
body slouched and relaxed against the furniture, welcoming the cool leather
against my scorching skin. I no longer fought the restraints. Landon pulled out
of me and moved to my front so I could see his spent cock. He ran a hand over
my head and the motions calmed and soothed me. Disappearing from my view he
started to unlatch my limbs, leaving the cuffs on my wrists. I stayed there and
rolled my eyes up at him when he returned.
My limbs felt heavy and my mind
still foggy from the insane orgasm he’d just given me. I could feel the
soreness started to settle in. "I don't think I can move yet."
Today's Interview will be With Erika Witman. Let's see what she has to say!
What is your name?
Erika Witman
Do you have a nickname?
Not really, Sir calls me Pet a lot.
What is your hair color?
What is your eye color?
Brown, sometimes they look hazel
How old are you?
Where were you born?
Colorado Springs
Where have you lived since then?
No where, never left.
Where do you currently call home?
Colorado Springs.
What is in your refrigerator right now?
The left overs from
the meals Sir has made me learn how to make. I’m getting better at this cooking
What is on your bedroom floor?
Nothing, I keep it clean,
even from laundry. Sir likes a clean house.
What is on your nightstand?
Books on photography and
Photoshop, I’m going to get the hang of this digital stuff eventually.
What is in your garbage can?
Paper plates, trash from cooking dinner last night, and well
the packaging from new room.
Who are the people you are closest to?
Jessica and of course Sir. I’m becoming close friends with
Beau and Sheila
Who is your funniest friend?
Without a doubt, Jessica. The woman can make me laugh so
hard I cry and her humor is always timed right.
What is your biggest fear?
Being sought after by a crazy person again
What is your most treasured possession?
My most reassured possession was my dad’s camera, sadly I no
longer have it. Nothing has replaced it.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
What is your favorite journey?
This journey I’m on now, discovering my submission and what
makes me tick.
Which living person do you most despise?
Geoffrey. Who the hell stalks someone…crazy bastard.
What is your greatest regret?
Currently? Going out without asking Landon, that led to a
world of trouble.
Which talent would you most like to have?
The ease of which some people have for Photoshop.
What is the quality you most like in a man/woman?
The ability to be open and honest. Trust and communication
are the two things I must have in partner.
What do you most value in your friends?
Loyalty and being there through thick and thin.
Who is your favorite hero of fiction or In real life?
Chuck is my hero of fiction. In real life, the people who
deal with tragedy over and over and never blinking an eye.
Which living person do you most admire?
Those who fight for the lifestyle and are passionate about
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Does Sir count? If not it’s “I’m fine.”
What is your motto?
A picture is worth a thousand words…cliché I know.
Erika, Thank you for taking the time to answer some of these questions for us. I would like to wish you good luck on you journey.
Now we Have Alexandra Webb here today to kinda tell us how Black & White Desires Became. Let's Welcome her and see what she has to say!
would you like to tell everyone about you that they wouldn't already know from
reading your books?”
I actually took photography in high school because it had
been my mom’s passion. Needless to say I didn't have her talent.
you tell us your latest news?
completed my next BDSM Novel Exclusively Yours and hope to have a release date.
I’m also looking at releasing Caught and Bound on it’s own here in the near
inspired you to write your first book?
Alexandra Webb, my first book actually was Black and White (even though Twisted
Redemption came out first). It started out as a joke and a NaNoWriMo project.
The joke was with my husband “You can totally write something better than
that.” (I’ll keep from naming titles) And I snorted and said, Yeah…and that’s
what I set out to do. I did it for the Self Publishing Experiment, but things
got haywire. Though through everything, I fell in love with it and strived to
make it the best I could before I hit the publish button.
you have a specific writing style?
really. I try to bring in similar themes, bondage, suspense of some sort, but
there’s no true style. Sometimes it’s 3rd person sometimes it’s 1st
person. Sometimes it’s long, sometimes short. It’s all sexy though!
did you come up with the title?
original title was In Black and White and it was actually an editor with a
publishing company that urged me to change it to something sexier. I decided I
liked it so much I’d keep it when I left the company.
do you want your readers to get out of your novels?”
want my readers to get the escape they crave when they come for BDSM books, but
I also want them to get a sense of how a true BDSM relationship works. I know
it’s fiction, but I still strive to be as accurate to the lifestyle as I can.
the book mostly fantasy or do you think these situations could actually
I love music just as much as reading, I normally listen to music while I am
reading. Do you think that you characters have theme songs? What would they be?
the experiences fact based or from your imagination?”
little bit of both. I draw from experiences and research and take it from
there. I’ll let you figure out what I have experiences with ;)
you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
I’m so totally in love with Erika and Landon that I wouldn’t change a thing
about them.
you share a little of your current work with us? Is there anything you
find particularly challenging in your writing?
current work, Exclusively Yours, is a story about a woman who had a terrifying
experience in the past and it comes back to challenge her current life. It
takes place in a club with a sexy detective trying to get to the bottom of some
gruesome murders. The challenge for this book was that Leslie at some points is
with multiple partners…this isn’t something I have experience with!
designed the covers?
did! With input from people I trusted. Fun fact: It’s my picture on the cover,
because it was the only picture that the people agreed on, none of the stock
photos were working.
was the hardest part of writing your book?
The sex scenes. Black and White is written in first person and BDSM sex is not
only about the motions of going through sex, but the emotions of the
characters. Getting into her head was very emotional.
you have any advice for other writers?
listen to the naysayers. Keep going.
just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to answer these for my
readers and I. I look forward to seeing more work from you in the future.

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